coastDat is a model based data bank developed mainly for the assessment of long-term changes in data sparse regions. A sequence of numerical models is employed to reconstruct all aspects of marine climate (such as storms, waves, surges etc.) over many decades of years relying only on large-scale information such as large-scale atmospheric conditions. The approach was developed over more than 15 years and has been applied successfully to various issues in the North Sea including, amongst others, assessments of the effectiveness of political measures to reduce chronic oil pollutions or changes in wind and storm surge climate. The coastDat data set is used by more than 100 users with about 40% of them located in economy, 15% in authorities and 45% in research institutes; see for a complete listing: coastDat clients
Typically the models are run for periods from 1958 onwards providing detailed hourly descriptions of changing marine environmental conditions up to know. Spatially, grid sizes vary between about 50 km and 100 m.
Depending on the region, the simulations are complemented with corresponding climate change projections allowing also for an assessment of potential future changes. For a full listing of data and regions see:
coastDat data
General information about applications
coastDat booklet
Daten für die marine Wissenschaft & Offshore Industrie
Data for Marine Science & Offshore Industry
coastDat-Broschüre 2014 (11,9 MB)
Reviewed articles
Weisse, R., H. v. Storch, U. Callies, A. Chrastansky, F. Feser, I. Grabemann, H. Guenther, A. Pluess, Th. Stoye, J. Tellkamp, J. Winterfeldt and K. Woth, (2008): Regional meteo-marine reanalyses and climate change projections: Results for Northern Europe and potentials for coastal and offshore applications. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 849–860. doi:
Weisse, R, Bisling, P., Gaslikova, L., Geyer, B., Groll, N., Hortamani, M., Matthias, V., Maneke, M., Meinke, I., Meyer, E.M.I., Schwichtenberg, F., Stempinski, F., Wiese, F. and Wöckner-Kluwe, K. (2015) 2:3: Climate services for marine applications in Europe, Earth Perspectives doi:
Story about coastdat in the employee magazine of Hereon
The perfect form for Pauline & YasmineData Management
Datamanagement for coastDat at DKRZ coastDat@dkrz